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- 2. October 2013 at 17:58 #6095
lagy jak prasa … zatial sa porucam. :D Ked nieco opravia, tak dajte vediet.
2. October 2013 at 21:05 #6096cpu test http://pclab.pl/art55028-3.html
gpu test http://pclab.pl/art55028-5.htmlIntel i5 3570K @ 4,2GHz | MSI Z77A-G43 | 16GB DDR3 Kingston | GTX 760 OC | Corsair TX650 V2 | Kingston SSDNow V +200 120GB + 1TB WD Black | Zalman Z11 Plus | Benq GW2320 + Dell P2414H | Razer Abyssus + Razer Kabuto + Ozone Strike Pro mx red
Intel i7 5775C @ 4,2GHz & NH-U9S | ASUS Z97M Plus | 32GB DDR3 Kingston | ASUS RTX 3070 | Seasonic M12II-520 | Crucial M500 120GB + Intel 535 480GB + 3TB WD RED | Fractal arc mini + 3xNF-F12 + 1x NF-A14 | Samsung C34F791 + BenQ XL2411P | Roccat Kave 5.1 XTD + Asus Xonar DSX | Razer Mamba + Razer Destructor + Ozone Strike Pro mx red2. October 2013 at 21:33 #6097i0io to vzdy najde v dajakych exotickych jazykoch :D
3. October 2013 at 6:16 #6098A co jest złego w języku polskim? :D
...:::NEVER GIVE UP:::...
3. October 2013 at 8:26 #6099[quote1380788723=Admiral]
Ten battlereport je zo vcera ked som hral s Omrom a Fallenom cize neviem ako to Battlelog pocita, jedine tak uverejnenie mohlo byt v tom case :D A ano, mam nervy ked sa mi hra nechce hybat tak ako ma a ked viem ze na vine nie je moj system ale ich zdupany kod :)
:nono: :D
...:::NEVER GIVE UP:::...
3. October 2013 at 8:48 #6100Skusal som downscale v tom video resolution a hybalo sa to o cosi lepsie, len nechodte na 50% a nizsie :D Alfonso, fanusik moj, este ma stalkuj aj real life a bude to top :D
3. October 2013 at 9:10 #6101Bojim sa spytat co vsetko ma nafotene. :D
3. October 2013 at 9:25 #6102Jasne ze vsetko, to sa pytat ani netreba :D
3. October 2013 at 10:52 #6103[quote1380797530=Nitril]
Bojim sa spytat co vsetko ma nafotene. :D
[/quote1380797530]co o sebe by si chcel vidiet? :D
...:::NEVER GIVE UP:::...
3. October 2013 at 13:29 #6104Davaj, jaku mam ponozku na pravej nohe? :D
3. October 2013 at 13:50 #6105taku istu ako dzear :D
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition3. October 2013 at 13:53 #6106Ach to sú totálny retardi čo fakt nič nedokážu. Ako tie platoony niesu podstatné ale prečo nie teraz ale až o pol roka ? :D
If you’ve been playing the Battlefield 4 Beta, you might be wondering: “Where are the Platoons from Battlefield 3?” We are looking at introducing Platoons for Battlefield 4 in early 2014.3. October 2013 at 16:15 #6107[link=http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065213799782582/]We will most likely patch the game during the Beta (PC). We have already patched the servers a few times. [/link]
4. October 2013 at 15:07 #61084. October 2013 at 16:29 #6109tak u mna dnes riadna sekanica, nehratelne v tento den :D dropy a lagy ako svina, snad inokedy :D
...:::NEVER GIVE UP:::...
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