- This topic has 0 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
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- 9. October 2013 at 14:16 #6336
Top 150mm – 235 pen, 750 damage, 4 shell autoloader, time between shots 3 secs, autoloader loads 50 secs :D 235mm tier X TDcko :D toto hrat s goldami, ani premium ucet to neuzivi :D nema to pancier ani poradnu penetraciu, to bude fail tank :D
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition12. October 2013 at 21:51 #6337eeeej, som tam :D konecne :D [br][link={e_FILE}public/1381614678_10_FT6068_eej.png][img:width=808&height=455]{e_FILE}public/1381614678_10_FT6068_eej_.png[/img][/link][br]
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition13. October 2013 at 6:16 #6338Pekne ale ja mam lepsie :-P[br][link={e_FILE}public/1381644976_35_FT6068_bez_nzvu.jpg][img:width=808&height=505]{e_FILE}public/1381644976_35_FT6068_bez_nzvu_.jpg[/img][/link][br]
13. October 2013 at 8:51 #6339Ked budes mat cez 200 bitiek a take WR, vtedy mas lepsie :P Ti to klesne urcite :D
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition13. October 2013 at 20:06 #634016. October 2013 at 19:50 #6341135t :D :D :D https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18808924/20131016_2138_germany-JagdPz_E100_60_asia_miao.wotreplay
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition17. October 2013 at 19:29 #6342Top Gun s wz-132 proti 2SBP
http://wotreplays.com/site/388211#self17. October 2013 at 21:58 #6343Asi najviac co som dal s E50 M :D samozrejme ze sme to prehrali :D [br][link={e_FILE}public/1382047092_10_FT6068_worldoftanks_2013_10_17_23_55_40_573.jpg][img:width=808&height=455]{e_FILE}public/1382047092_10_FT6068_worldoftanks_2013_10_17_23_55_40_573_.jpg[/img][/link][br]
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition27. October 2013 at 15:12 #6344http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdzI2upCZD4#t=68 01:00 ten maus loool :D , a poto 02:40 celkom zaujmavy manever s artynou :D
27. October 2013 at 16:11 #6345No tak to keby som schytal ja s Mausom tak by som asi hru vymazal. :D
21. November 2013 at 15:43 #6346https://www.dropbox.com/s/p71da2x4i60hud1/20131121_1637_germany-G_Tiger_42_north_america.wotreplay
Kto toto prekona je KING :D:D
23. November 2013 at 17:57 #6347Tak o tuto radost z killu sa s vami musim podelit
Keby mi to takto strielalo stale jaj30. November 2013 at 20:18 #6348uz nepochybujem o tom ze som zazracnik :D[br][link={e_FILE}public/1385842710_10_FT6068_worldoftanks_2013_11_30_21_16_01_845.jpg][img:width=808&height=455]{e_FILE}public/1385842710_10_FT6068_worldoftanks_2013_11_30_21_16_01_845_.jpg[/img][/link][br]
Signature: i5 4690K @ 4.6Ghz
MSI Twin Frozr II 5850
Dell U2312HM 23"
Logitech G9X + Razer Goliathus Control Edition1. December 2013 at 8:34 #6349To aby si si nasiel novych spoluhracov, nech ti to to nekazime :-D
1. December 2013 at 18:27 #6350[link=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/77978886/shot_038.jpg]link[/link]
Tiez medzi nich patrim? :D
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